Your Healthcare results

Once your Health Check has been completed you’ll be given your results based on the risk of developing a heart or circulation problem (such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes or kidney disease) over the next 10 years.

This may described to you as low, moderate or high.

  • Low – you have a 0-9% chance of a heart or circulation problem in the next 10 years
  • Moderate – you have a 10-19% chance of a heart or circulation problem in the next 10 years
  • High – you have more than a 20% chance of a heart or circulation problem in the next 10 years

As you get older your risk rises, so the next time you have a Health Check your risk score may be higher, even if your test results remain the same, so try not to worry if this happens.

Your Health Check results should also be broken down into:

  • Body mass index (BMI)
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol level
  • Alcohol use score
  • Physical activity assessment result
  • Diabetes risk assessment

Take the first step to a healthier you

Once you’ve had your NHS Health Check, your healthcare professional will discuss your results with you and they can give you some advice to help you improve your scores.

There’s lots of information on our Healthy Lifestyles pages to support you to make lifestyle changes and improve your health. You can also visit NHS Choices for more details on each area of your results and suggestions to improve your scores.

If you need some extra support to make lifestyle changes Your Health Dudley Team on 01384 732402