Welcome to Healthy Dudley. This is the new Dudley Council Public Health website.

Helping your child maintain a healthy weight

If your child is in Reception or Year 6 they will have the opportunity to take part in the National Child Measurement Programme, where a school nurse will measure your child’s height and weight. Although this information is taken for national statistics you will receive a letter informing you of your child’s measurements. This letter will let you know if your child has a healthy Body Mass Index or if they are under or overweight. The Change4Life website gives a good explanation of what you can do when you receive the letter.

If your child is in the overweight category be aware that this is a snap shot in time and by raising your awareness now you are better able to make changes. It is important to remember that children are growing and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidance recommends (in most cases) maintaining a child’s weight as they grow. You can check your child’s weight on the NHS healthy weight calculator.


If you would like support to manage your child’s weight please speak to your child’s school nurse or GP who will be able to provide you with details of the different healthy weight programmes available to you.