Grieving well

Grieving well

Looking after yourself through grief

Loss is something that we will all face at some time in our lives.  Grief is a normal human response to loss.  You may feel that you are the only person to feel the way that you do.  Whilst everyone’s response to loss is very individual, there are some common feelings and experiences that many people will share.   It can feel overwhelming, particularly if the death has been unexpected or traumatic. After any loss or bereavement, it is important that we take care of ourselves. We should try to eat healthily, rest when we can and maintain contact with family and friends.

Coping with the loss of a loved one is painful.  There is no correct way to act or feel. Grief can be exhausting and overwhelming, but most people find that in time things can become easier.  Coming to terms with death is a gradual process and can take a considerable amount of time.

Information from NHS about grief and how to look after yourself when you are grieving

Visit our grief self-help toolkit for further information

Grief self-help toolkit poster

5 Ways to Wellbeing

Following bereavement, we are encouraged to try to build wellbeing actions into our lives, as it can help to give us focus. The Five Ways to Wellbeing are simple actions that have a positive impact. They are about taking action and making choices to look after our wellbeing. There is nothing new or surprising in these messages, but making these small changes can make a big difference.

For many, healing is not a case of moving on from grief, but instead, growing around it.  The ‘Five Ways’ are designed to support us to take action and make conscious and deliberate choices to look after ourselves. They are simple actions that anyone can achieve for a positive impact on day-to-day wellbeing.  Positive mental wellbeing does not mean that you will never experience feelings or situations that you find difficult, but it does mean that you may feel in a better place so that you have resilience to cope.

More information on five ways to wellbeing visit Healthy Dudley 5 ways to wellbeing and NHS information

For opportunities to access things which can support your 5 ways visit the links below

Healthy Dudley  is a Dudley based website containing lots of information on ways to be active, tips for eating healthily and other lifestyle support

Dudley Community Information Directory can direct you to all kinds of things going on locally

NHS Live Well has advice, tips and tools to help you make the best choices about your health and wellbeing