Adult lifestyle support

Adult Weight Management Service

Adult weight management services are being run by ABL Health.  The service is called Your Health Dudley.

For more details on the programme please contact 01384 732402 or visit their website Your Health Dudley to find out more.

scales with feet on

Help manage your weight using a BMI calculator. The body mass index (BMI) is a measure that uses your height and weight to work out if your weight is healthy.

Further information on managing your weight  can be found at via the NHS.

Wellness coaches

Wellness coaches offer one-to-one support and advice to help you lead a healthier lifestyle and achieve your goal. From stop smoking, losing weight, eating more healthily to drinking sensibly or being more active – talking to a wellness coach could be just the thing to get you started.

How to book an appointment

To access the service you need to live within the Dudley borough, work within the Dudley borough, or be registered to a GP within the Dudley borough. If you would like to see one of our coaches then please call us on 01384 732402.

 ABL Health provides this service.  It is called Your Health Dudley

For more information on Your Health Dudley and to make a referral please visit Your Health Dudley website.