Handy Tips
30 minutes each day – Getting activity and movement into your day may be easier than you think

- Keep track. Jot down how many minutes you move for each day. Setting and achieving a target will keep you motivated.
- Write it down. Make a note or list of why you want to move more, for example, I want to keep up with the kids / grandkids, or be able to meet up with a friend. Pop it somewhere easy to see to keep in mind why you’re making this change.
- Get into a good habit. Set a reminder to get up and move every 30 minutes during the day, or try gentle stretches during TV ad breaks.
- Lunchtime can be an opportunity. Wherever you are, set a time to take a break to unwind, stretch, or even fit in a gentle 10-minute stroll.
- Team up. If you have family or friends who want to get more active, set yourselves a joint challenge. It’s a great reason to keep in touch with people and help each other stay on track.
- Reward yourself. Set a goal and award. If you achieve 30 minutes of activity throughout the day you could reward yourself with a treat.
- Shout about it. When you set yourself a challenge, tell family or friends about it. It will give you something to chat with them about and help to keep you motivated.

Tips from other Dudley residents
- “Start going out for a walk each day. Start gradual, 15 minutes to start with and build up from there.”
- “Go for early morning walks.”
- “Armchair exercises and dancing.”
- “One step at a time.”
- “Instead of doing one big shop using the car, do more frequent shopping trips and walk instead of using the car or public transport.”
- “Walking the dog usually makes me feel better afterwards, even if I didn’t feel like going.”
- “Use resistance exercises, no need for expensive equipment or gym membership.”
- “Just do it!”
- “Go for it!”