Sexual health services

Brook Logo




Brook provides free, confidential sexual health services in Dudley, including:

  • Sexual health screening (free chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing)
  • Free condoms and advice via the C-card scheme (collect at a local pharmacy)
  • Contraception including implants and IUDs/IUSs
  • Emergency contraception
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Termination referrals
  • Self-referral counselling service

Telephone for support and information: 0300 373 0655

Brook website

Brook run weekly clinics at:

  1. Brierley Hill Health and Social Care Centre
  2. St James Medical Practice, Dudley
  3. Cranstoun, Routes, Merry Hill Shopping Centre
  4. The Greens Medical Centre, Dudley

Call 0300 373 0655 to make an appointment

What? Centre BeeHIVE

HIV prevention, early diagnosis and supporting people living with HIV, their families, partners and carers. Also offers FREE HIV testing.

Address: 31 Priory St, Dudley

Telephone: 01384 885488

Text/WhatsApp: 07523340866 


Beehive what centre website
HIV prevention, early diagnosis and supporting people living with HIV, their families, partners and carers. Also FREE HIV testing

For Emergency Contraception

Think Pharmacy website gives details on pharmacies within the borough that provides free emergency contraception. If possible please contact them first to check availability.