Emergency planning

Download a copy of our In Case of Emergency Grab Guide Download a copy of our Home Emergency Plan Digital Template The Emergency Planning Team works to ensure that communities,…


…an emergency, so always call 999 immediately. Ambulance paramedics are trained in stroke and will ensure the person receives emergency medical care and specialist treatment. Other symptoms of a stroke The…

Planning a pregnancy

…and supplements A healthy diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle at any time, but it’s especially important if you’re planning a pregnancy. As well as a healthy…

Flu Fighters Dudley

…nasal spray vaccine is the best defence children have against flu. It’s free, safe and painless too! Children are ‘super spreaders’ of flu , so help protect you and your…

Meal Planning

Planning your family’s meals and snacks is an important step in making positive changes to the foods you eat. The benefits of planning your meals include: Less food waste Helps…

Sexual health services

      Brook provides free, confidential sexual health services in Dudley, including: Sexual health screening (free chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing) Free condoms and advice via the C-card scheme (collect…

Why should I be vaccinated?

After clean water, vaccination is the most effective public health intervention in the world for saving lives and promoting good health. Vaccines protect not only you, but others around you….